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Hang Gliding

by Karen

Question: Where can I call to schedule a tandem hang gliding experience?

Dee's Reply: That's a good question! I know that White Crest Beach in Wellfleet is a favored spot for hang gliding, thanks to the ocean-facing dunes and reliable breezes.

However, as far as I know, this is all for private gliders only. I've never heard or read of any company on Cape Cod that offers hang gliding experiences to the general public.

I'll do some asking around and post back if I can find a business or organization that offers this service.


Comments for Hang Gliding

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Hang gliding
by: wayne Ripley

I have been going to the Cape for 38 years, flying at the Seascape. There have been some tandem flights but not many. If you want to fly, go to "Hang Glide New England" for flights at a tow park in Mass. Rhett is the tug pilot and has been one,if not the best, for 20 years.You can go to the Connecticut Hang Gliding Assoc. web site for a link.

Dee's Reply:

Thanks for the info, Wayne!

Best Regards,


Pilots Roost
by: Al Courtines

I'm a former HG pilot. I'm running a private Guest House here on Cape Cod. Feel free to contact me for more info. Cotuitbreeze@comcast.net

Dee's Reply:

Thanks, Al. I'd love to learn more about your guest house. I'll be in touch! -Dee

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