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If you love light tackle sport fishing, Cape Cod is calling your name!
From the first appearance of bright run striped bass in the spring, to big summer bluefish blitzes, to the final migration of striped bass in the fall - the south coast of Massachusetts is a fishing fanatic's dream come true.
When you have an urge to wet a line, bring your favorite fishing rods or book a full-service Cape Cod fishing charter. You'll have the time of your life sport fishing here. We do!
My Hubby with an Early Spring Striped Bass
To my way of thinking, there's nothing like our spring and fall Striper runs.
When the calendar turns to May, put a fishing rod in my hand and a top-water lure at the end of my line, and I'm about as happy a girl as you'll find anywhere.
I live for those moments when I hear a huge tail "thwump", and the line starts screamin' off my reel. It's such a hoot to catch big Striped Bass in 2 feet of water ...
Stripers Make Me Smile!
The excellent thing about this fishery is that you don't need a boat to go striped bass sportfishing on Cape Cod.
Fish from the beach, off a jetty, or along the banks of the Canal. You've got a great chance of hooking into a nice striper, wherever you are on our salty shoreline.
Depending on water temps, mid-May usually brings our first bit-off lure. That's our clue that toothy Bluefish are back in our Cape Cod waters.
Logan Boated This Nice Blue All By Himself
All summer long, these feisty, ferocious critters can be found cruising our Bays and Sounds in search of their next meal.
The smaller blues (called "snappers") put up a nice little tussle on light tackle, perfect for a child's first saltwater catch.
The big 'uns - the "slammer blues" - are notorious for their tough fight, and for their incredible aerobatics as they skyrocket out of the water.
Hint: Stay clear of bluefish mouths. Their teeth are like little razors. (Thanks to our Boga GripCast to them from shore, or get into a boat or kayak and chase them around the Sound.
Any which way you get into them, False Albacore - and their cousins, the elusive and often frustrating Bonito, a/k/a "Little Tunny" - put up a muscle-burning fight on light spinning tackle or fly gear.
Linda's First Cape Cod False Albacore
Bonito usually make their first appearance in early summer, followed by the False Albacore sometime in August.
Hint: If you cast your lure into what looks like a school of Bluefish feeding on the surface, and you don't get hit - it's a good bet they're Albies, not Bluefish.
These little tuna hit like a freight train and make some screamin' runs!
Wishing "Tight Lines" to One and All!