What is Inside the Yurts at Cape Cod State Campgrounds?
by Julie
(Albany, NY)
Question: Do the yurts at the state park campgrounds on Cape Cod have cots or any other furnishings inside?
I'm a tent camper but looking for something a little more comfortable since Grandma may be joining us this year.
Dee's Reply: Hi Julie - Cape Cod has two Massachusetts State Parks that offer yurt rentals:
- Nickerson State Park in Brewster MA; and
- Shawme-Crowell State Forest in Sandwich MA.
I haven't seen the inside of Nickerson's or Shawme-Crowell's yurts in quite a while. But if memory serves, they're all furnished with a small table and several chairs, some sort of lighting fixture, and beds for 4 or 6 people.
I'm pretty sure the 4-person yurts have two sets of bunk beds, and I think the 6-person yurts have bunk beds and a double bed.
Sorry I don't have any photos to show you exactly what the inside of the yurts looks like. The next time I'm in Brewster or Sandwich, I'll see if one of the park rangers will let me into a yurt to snap some pics. If I can get a few decent shots, I'll come back and post them at the top of this page.
Anyway ... your best bet is to call the campground directly to confirm how the yurts are furnished and to ask about vacancies, reservations, etc.
It can be quite a challenge to find a yurt vacancy at Nickerson. I'm not sure if that's also true at Shawme-Crowell, but I suspect it might be.
Nickerson State Park: (508) 896-3491
Shawme-Crowell State Forest: (508) 888-0351
Good luck! If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!
Best Regards,