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Updated: March 6, 2022
Is it possible to get around Cape Cod without a car? Yes.
Is there a convenient alternative to having your own car on the Cape? Yes and no, as I'll explain below.
Cape Cod Regional Transportation Authority ("CCRTA") buses take passengers all over the Cape all year round. And you sure can't beat the fares!
One-way rides are $2. For a mere $6, you can buy a full-day pass and ride to your heart's content. Seniors and people with disabilities ride at one-half the regular fare.
However ... CCRTA's buses and shuttles aren't a "one size fits all" solution to getting around Cape Cod without a car.
CCRTA buses and shuttles follow a fixed route and set schedule, Monday through Saturday, with limited off-route deviations.
Will their routes and schedules work for you? Will you be able to go wherever you want to go - and back again - when it's convenient for you?
There's only one way to know: check CCRTA's routes and schedules.
*FYI: CCRTA buses have bike racks. If you're up for pedaling your way around the Cape, CCRTA can transport you and your bicycle to trailheads for some fabulous bikepaths!
Taxis, Uber and Lyft are great options for getting around Cape Cod without your own car.
Granted, their fares can take a big bite out of your wallet. But they are an option! ;-)
Bourne Bridge 24 Hour Taxi
(508) 564-7500 - reviews
Falmouth Taxi
(508) 548-3100 - reviews
All Seasons Taxi
(508) 548-9990 - reviews
Central Cape Taxi
(508) 432-6800 - reviews
Town Taxi
(508) 775-5555 - reviews
Cape Cab
(508) 240-1500 for Dennis, Harwich, Brewster, Chatham, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet; (508) 487-2222 for Truro & Provincetown - reviews
P'town Taxi Service
(877) 712-2966 - reviews
*TIP: Remember ... we're small town America here. In busy cities like Boston, you can hail a taxi cab on the street corner. On Cape Cod, be prepared to call for a cab when you need one.
During the summer months, you'll find in-town trolleys and shuttles in some (but not all) Cape Cod towns.
Look for "hop on, hop off" trolley services in:
*TIP: Drivers can't make change onboard. So have your exact fare ready!