Cape Days
Your Go-To Cape Cod Vacation Guide

Imagine your perfect Cape Cod vacation. You're here on our pristine, sandy shores, soaking in the sun and living the good life ...

Slideshow image

Since your web browser does not support JavaScript, here is a non-JavaScript version of the image slideshow:

welcome to cape cod 2024 sign

surf and sand at nauset beach

nobska point lighthouse

child eating fried clams

whale tail

sign inside john f kennedy hyannis museum

people golfing on cape cod

man windsurfing near kalmus beach

young girl on a cape cod bay beach

fish market at rock harbor

quohog day celebration sign

couple walking on south cape beach

man kayaking on a creek

boxes of newly harvested cape cod cranberries

view from the boardwalk in sandwich ma

Now, imagine having an inside source on the Cape, a local who'll give you the scoop on all things Cape Cod, like:

  • What's the best town to stay in
  • Where are the most beautiful beaches
  • Which activities and attractions you should put on your "must-do" list ...

Well, imagine no longer. I'm here for you!

Hello! I'm DonĂ© (a/k/a "Dee") Young, your inside source here on beautiful Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

When I first visited the Cape back in the 1980s, I was lucky to have a friend here who showed me around.

We sunned on the prettiest beaches I'd ever seen. We visited famous sites that I'd read about in top tourism magazines.

We explored places that only the locals know about. We pigged out on the fresh seafood nearly every night.

And my love affair with Cape Cod began!

Fast forward a few years ... I became a "washashore".

(*Washashore: The local term for a Cape Cod resident who was born somewhere else.)

Since then, I've discovered lots of wonderful little nooks and crannies you won't find in the Cape Cod tourism books. I'll share them with you in the pages of Cape Days!

But enough about me. This is about your vacation and making it even better than you've imagined!

So, let's get started ... 


* Popular This Month*

Hunting for Hidden "Treasures"




More Cape Cod Vacation Planning Info

The fastest, easiest way to find what you're looking for in my Cape Days guide is by using this site search box:

And last but certainly not least ... if there's another Cape Cod-related topic you'd like me to write about, please let me know.

I'm always happy to hear your suggestions for additions (and improvements ;-) to my Cape Days guide!

I wish you safe travels and tons of fun on your visit to Cape Cod!

Best Regards,

Dee Young

Publisher, Editor, Photographer & Jack of All Trades

for "Cape Days: Your Go To Cape Cod Guide"